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Let's walk through a complete example of creating an AI assistant using vectara-agentic. We will build a finance assistant that can answer questions about the annual financial reports for Apple Computer, Google, Amazon, Snowflake, Atlassian, Tesla, Nvidia, Microsoft, Advanced Micro Devices, Intel, and Netflix between the years 2020 and 2024.

Import Dependencies

First, we must import some libraries and define some constants for our demo.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pydantic import Field


We then use the load_dotenv function to load our environment variables from a .env file.

Create Tools

Next, we will create the tools for our agent.

There are three categories of tools you can use with vectara-agentic:

  1. A query tool that connects to Vectara to ask a question about data in a Vectara corpus.
  2. Pre-built tools that are available out of the box, or ready to use tools from the LlamaIndex Tools Hub.
  3. Any other tool that you want to make for your agent, based on custom code in Python.

Vectara RAG Query Tool Let's see how to create a Vectara query tool. In order to use this tool, you need to create a corpus and API key with a Vectara account. In this example, we will create the ask_transcripts tool, which can be used to perform RAG queries on analyst call transcripts. You can see this tool in use with our Finance Assistant demo.

from pydantic import BaseModel

# define the arguments schema for the tool
class QueryTranscriptsArgs(BaseModel):
    query: str = Field(..., description="The user query.")
    year: int = Field(..., description=f"The year. An integer between {min(years)} and {max(years)}.")
    ticker: str = Field(..., description=f"The company ticker. Must be a valid ticket symbol from the list {tickers.keys()}.")

Note that the arguments for this tool are defined using Python's pydantic package with the Field class. By defining the tool in this way, we provide a good description for each argument so that the agent LLM can easily understand the tool's functionality and how to use it properly.

You can also define an argument to support optional conditional arguments, for example:

from pydantic import BaseModel

# define the arguments schema for the tool
class QueryTranscriptsArgs(BaseModel):
    query: str = Field(..., description="The user query.")
    year: int | str = Field(
        description=f"The year this query relates to. An integer between {min(years)} and {max(years)} or a string specifying a condition on the year",
        examples=[2020, '>2021', '<2023', '>=2021', '<=2023', '[2021, 2023]', '[2021, 2023)']
    ticker: str = Field(..., description=f"The company ticker. Must be a valid ticket symbol from the list {tickers.keys()}.")

With this change for the year argument, we are telling the agent that both an int value (e.g. 2022) or a string value (e.g. '>2022' or '<2022') are valid inputs for this argument. You can also use range filters (e.g. '[2021, 2023]') to specify a range of years. If a string value is provided, vectara-agentic knows how to parse it properly in the backend and set a metadata filter with the right condition for Vectara.

Now to create the actual tool, we use the create_rag_tool() method from the VectaraToolFactory class as follows:

from import VectaraToolFactory

vec_factory = VectaraToolFactory(vectara_api_key=vectara_api_key,

ask_transcripts = vec_factory.create_rag_tool(
    tool_name = "ask_transcripts",
    tool_description = """
    Given a company name and year,
    returns a response (str) to a user question about a company, based on analyst call transcripts about the company's financial reports for that year.
    You can ask this tool any question about the compaany including risks, opportunities, financial performance, competitors and more.
    Make sure to provide the a valid company ticker and year.
    tool_args_schema = QueryTranscriptsArgs,
    tool_args_type = {
      "year": "doc",
      "ticker": "doc"
    reranker = "chain", rerank_k = 100,
    rerank_chain = [
        "type": "slingshot"
        "type": "userfn",
        "user_function": "knee()"
        "type": "mmr",
        "diversity_bias": 0.1
    n_sentences_before = 2, n_sentences_after = 2, lambda_val = 0.005,
    summary_num_results = 10,
    vectara_summarizer = 'vectara-summary-ext-24-05-med-omni',
    include_citations = False,
    fcs_threshold = 0.2

In the code above, we did the following:

  • First, we initialized the VectaraToolFactory with the Vectara corpus key and API key. If you don't want to explicitly pass in these arguments, you can specify them in your environment as VECTARA_CORPUS_KEY and VECTARA_API_KEY. Additionally, you can also create a single VectaraToolFactory that queries multiple corpora. This may be helpful if you have related information across multiple corpora in Vectara. To do this, create a query API key on the Authorization page and give it to access to all the corpora you want for this query tool. When specifying your environment variables, set VECTARA_CORPUS_KEY to a list of corpus IDs separated by commas (e.g. 5,6,19).
  • Then we called create_rag_tool(), specifying the tool name, description and schema for the tool, followed by various optional parameters to control the Vectara RAG query tool. Notice that we also specified the type of each additional argument in the schema. The type of each argument can be "doc" or "part", corresponding to whether the metadata argument is document metadata or part metadata in the Vectara corpus. See this page on metadata for more information.

One important parameter to point out is fcs_threshold. This allows you to specify a minimum factual consistency score (between 0 and 1) for the response to be considered a "good" response. If the generated response has an FCS below this threshold, the agent will not use the generated summary (considering it a hallucination). You can think of this as a hallucination guardrail. The higher you set fcs_threshold, the stricter your guardrail will be.

If your agent continuously rejects all of the generated responses, consider lowering the threshold.

Another important parameter is reranker. In this example, we are using a chain reranker, which chains together multiple reranking methods to achieve better control over the reranking and combines the strengths of various reranking methods. In the example above, we use the multilingual (or slingshot) reranker followed by a user-defined function (the knee reranker), and finally the MMR reranker with a diversity bias of 0.1. You can also supply other parameters to each reranker, such as a cutoff parameter, which removes documents that have scores below this threshold value after applying the given reranker. Lastly, you can add another user defined function reranker as the last reranker in the chain to specify a customized expression to rerank results in a way that is relevant to your specific application. If you want to learn more about reranking tips and best practices, check out our blog posts on user defined functions and knee reranking as well as this example notebook on user defined functions for some guidance and inspiration.

That's it: now the ask_transcripts tool is ready to be added to the agent.

Notes: - You can use the VectaraToolFactory to generate more than one RAG tool with different parameters, depending on your needs. - create_rag_tool and create_search_tool both support the vectara_base_url argument. If specified, it allows you to specify a different base URL for Vectara, for example when you have an on-premise installation. - If you want to specify a Certificate Authority for a local installation, you can set "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/custom_ca_bundle.pem".

Vectara Search Tool In most cases, you will likely want to use the Vectara RAG query tool, which generates a summary to return to the agent along with the source text and documents used to generate that summary.

In some applications, you may want the tool to only retrieve the actual text/documents that best match the query rather than summarizing all of the results. For example, you may ask your agent "How many documents mention information about tax laws and regulations?". The agent will be able to get a list of documents from your Vectara corpus and analyze the results to answer your question.

Metadata Filtering In most cases, you will want to use the tool_args_schema to define the metadata fields used in your Vectara RAG or Search tool. Defining your parameters in this way allows the agent to interpret the user query and determine if any of these filters should be applied on that particular query.

In some instances you may want to have a metadata filter that applies in every call to a Vectara RAG or search tool. For example, you may want to enforce that the oldest possible search results are from 2022. In this case, you can use the fixed_filter parameter to the create_rag_tool() or create_search_tool() functions.

In our example where we want all results to be from 2022 and later, we would specify fixed_filter = "doc.year >= 2022".

Additional Tools To generate non-RAG tools, you can use the ToolsFactory class, which provides some out-of-the-box tools that you might find helpful when building your agents, as well as an easy way to create custom tools.

Currently, we have a few tool groups you may want to consider using:

  • standard_tools(): These are basic tools that can be helpful, and include the summarize_text tool and rephrase_text tool.
  • finance_tools(): includes a set of financial query tools based on Yahoo! finance.
  • legal_tools(): These tools are designed to help with legal queries, and include critique_as_judge and summarize_legal_text.
  • database_tools(): tools to explore SQL databases and make queries based on user prompts.
  • guardrail_tools(): These tools are designed to help the agent avoid certain topics from its response.

For example, to get access to all the legal tools, you can use the following:

from import ToolsFactory

legal_tools = ToolsFactory().legal_tools()

For more details about the tools see Tools <tools>{.interpreted-text role="doc"}.

Create your own tool You can also create your own tool directly by defining a Python function:

def earnings_per_share(
  net_income: float = Field(description="the net income for the company"),
  number_of_shares: float = Field(description="the number of oustanding shares"),
) -> float:
    This tool returns the EPS (earnings per share).
    return np.round(net_income / number_of_shares,4)

my_tool = tools_factory.create_tool(earnings_per_share)

A few important things to note:

  1. A tool may accept any type of argument (e.g. float, int) and return any type of value (e.g. float). The create_tool() method will handle the conversion of the arguments and response into strings (which is type the agent expects).
  2. It is important to define a clear and concise docstring for your tool. This will help the agent understand what the tool does and how to use it.

Here are some functions we will define for our finance assistant example:

tickers = {
  "AAPL": "Apple Computer", 
  "GOOG": "Google", 
  "AMZN": "Amazon",
  "SNOW": "Snowflake",
  "TEAM": "Atlassian",
  "TSLA": "Tesla",
  "NVDA": "Nvidia",
  "MSFT": "Microsoft",
  "AMD": "Advanced Micro Devices",
  "INTC": "Intel",
  "NFLX": "Netflix",
years = [2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024]

def get_company_info() -> list[str]:
Returns a dictionary of companies you can query about. Always check this before using any other tool.
The output is a dictionary of valid ticker symbols mapped to company names.
You can use this to identify the companies you can query about, and their ticker information.
return tickers

def get_valid_years() -> list[str]:
Returns a list of the years for which financial reports are available.
Always check this before using any other tool.
return years

# Tool to get the income statement for a given company and year using the FMP API
def get_income_statement(
ticker=Field(description="the ticker symbol of the company."),
year=Field(description="the year for which to get the income statement."),
) -> str:
Get the income statement for a given company and year using the FMP ( API.
Returns a dictionary with the income statement data. All data is in USD, but you can convert it to more compact form like K, M, B.
fmp_api_key = os.environ.get("FMP_API_KEY", None)
if fmp_api_key is None:
   return "FMP_API_KEY environment variable not set. This tool does not work."
url = f"{ticker}?apikey={fmp_api_key}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
   data = response.json()
   income_statement = pd.DataFrame(data)
   income_statement["date"] = pd.to_datetime(income_statement["date"])
   income_statement_specific_year = income_statement[
     income_statement["date"].dt.year == int(year)
   values_dict = income_statement_specific_year.to_dict(orient="records")[0]
   return f"Financial results: {', '.join([f'{key}: {value}' for key, value in values_dict.items() if key not in ['date', 'cik', 'link', 'finalLink']])}"
   return "FMP API returned error. This tool does not work."

The get_income_statement() tool utilizes the FMP API to get the income statement for a given company and year. Notice how the tool description is structured. We describe each of the expected arguments to the function using pydantic's Field class. The function description only describes to the agent what the function does and how the agent should use the tool. This function definition follows best practices for defining tools. You should make this description detailed enough so that your agent knows when to use each of your tools.

You can define your tool as an individual python function (as shown above) or as a method in a Python class. It may be helpful to define all of your tools (Vectara tools, other pre-built tools, and your custom tools) in a single AgentTools class. Please note that you cannot define a tool as a function within another tool. Each tool must be a separate Python function.

Your tools should also handle any exceptions gracefully by returning an Exception or a string describing the failure. The agent can interpret that string and then decide how to deal with the failure (either calling another tool to accomplish the task or telling the user that their request was unable to be processed).

Finally, notice that we have used snake_case for all of our function names. While this is not required, it's a best practice that we recommend for you to follow.

Initialize The Agent

Now that we have our tools, let's create the agent, using the following arguments:

  1. tools: list[FunctionTool]: A list of tools that the agent will use to interact with information and apply actions. For any tools you create yourself, make sure to pass them to the create_tool() method of your ToolsFactory object.
  2. topic: str = "general": This is simply a string (should be a noun) that is used to identify the agent's area of expertise. For our example we set this to financial analyst.
  3. custom_instructions: str = "": This is a set of instructions that the agent will follow. These instructions should not tell the agent what your tools do (that's what the tool descriptions are for) but rather any particular behavior you want your LLM to have, such as how to present the information it receives from the tools to the user.
  4. update_func: Optional[Callable[[AgentStatusType, str], None]] = None: This is an optional callback function that will be called on every agent step. It can be used to update the user interface or the steps of the agent.

Every agent has its own default set of instructions that it follows to interpret users' messages and use the necessary tools to complete its task. However, we can (and often should) define custom instructions (via the custom_instructions argument) for our AI assistant. Here are some guidelines to follow when creating your instructions:

  • Write precise and clear instructions without overcomplicating the agent.
  • Consider edge cases and unusual or atypical scenarios.
  • Be cautious to not over-specify behavior based on your primary use case as this may limit the agent's ability to behave properly in other situations.

Here are the instructions we are using for our financial AI assistant:

financial_assistant_instructions = """
  - You are a helpful financial assistant, with expertise in financial reporting, in conversation with a user.
  - Never discuss politics, and always respond politely.
  - Respond in a compact format by using appropriate units of measure (e.g., K for thousands, M for millions, B for billions).
  - Do not report the same number twice (e.g. $100K and 100,000 USD).
  - Always check the get_company_info and get_valid_years tools to validate company and year are valid.
  - When querying a tool for a numeric value or KPI, use a concise and non-ambiguous description of what you are looking for.
  - If you calculate a metric, make sure you have all the necessary information to complete the calculation. Don't guess.

Notice how these instructions are different from the tool function descriptions. These instructions are general rules that the agent should follow. At times, these instructions may refer to specific tools, but in general, the agent should be able to decide for itself what tools it should call. This is what makes agents very powerful and makes our job as coders much simpler.

update_func callback The update_func is an optional Callable function that can serve a variety of purposes for your assistant. It is a callback function that is managed by the agent, and it will be called anytime the agent is updated, such as when calling a tool, or when receiving a response from a tool.

In our example, we will use it to log the actions of our agent so users can see the steps the agent is taking as it answers their questions. Since our assistant is using streamlit to display the results, we will append the log messages to the session state.

from vectara_agentic.agent import AgentStatusType

def update_func(status_type: AgentStatusType, msg: str):
  output = f"{status_type.value} - {msg}"

agent_config The agent_config argument is an optional object that you can use to explicitly specify the configuration of your agent, including the following: - agent_type: the agent type. Valid values are REACT, LLMCOMPILER, LATS or OPENAI (default: OPENAI). - main_llm_provider and tool_llm_provider: the LLM provider for main agent and for the tools. Valid values are OPENAI, ANTHROPIC, TOGETHER, GROQ, COHERE, BEDROCK, GEMINI or FIREWORKS (default: OPENAI). - main_llm_model_name and tool_llm_model_name: agent model name for agent and tools (default depends on provider). - observer: the observer type; should be ARIZE_PHOENIX or if undefined no observation framework will be used. - endpoint_api_key: a secret key if using the API endpoint option (defaults to dev-api-key) - max_reasoning_steps: the maximum number of reasoning steps (iterations for React and function calls for OpenAI agent, respectively). defaults to 50.

By default, each of these parameters will be read from your environment, but you can also explicitly define them with the AgentConfig class.

For example, here is how we can define an AgentConfig object to create a ReAct agent using OPENAI as the LLM for the agent and Cohere as the LLM for the agent's tools:

from vectara_agentic.agent_config import AgentConfig

config = AgentConfig(

Creating the agent Here is how we will instantiate our finance assistant:

from vectara_agentic import Agent

agent = Agent(
     tools=[tools_factory.create_tool(tool, tool_type="query") for tool in
           ] +
           tools_factory.standard_tools() +
           tools_factory.financial_tools() +
           tools_factory.guardrail_tools() +
     topic="10-K annual financial reports",

Notice that when we call the create_tool() method, we specified a tool_type. This can either be "query" (default) or "action". For our example, all of the tools are query tools, so we can easily add all of them to our agent with a list comprehension, as shown above.

Chat with your Assistant

Once you have created your agent, using it is quite simple. All you have to do is call its chat() method, which prompts your agent to answer the user's query using its available set of tools. It's that easy.

query = "Which 3 companies had the highest revenue in 2022, and how did they do in 2021?"

The agent returns the response:

The three companies with the highest revenue in 2022 were:

  1. Amazon (AMZN): $513.98B
  2. Apple (AAPL): $394.33B
  3. Google (GOOG): $282.84B

Their revenues in 2021 were:

  1. Amazon (AMZN): $469.82B
  2. Apple (AAPL): $365.82B
  3. Google (GOOG): $257.64B

The chat() function returns an AgentResponse object, which includes the agent's generated response text and a list of ToolOutput objects. The agent's response text can easily be retrieved response member (or simply by using str()). The tool information can be extracted with the sources member of the AgentResponse class and will return a list of tool outputs, including the name of each tool that was called and the output from that tool that was given to the agent.

To make a full Streamlit app, there is some extra code that is necessary to configure the demo layout. You can check out the full code and demo for this app on Hugging Face.

Other Chat Options

The standard chat() method will run synchronously, so your application will wait until the agent finishes generating its response before making any other function calls. If you would prefer to run your queries asynchronously with your application, you can use the achat() method.

The chat() function also returns the response as a single string, which could be a lengthy text. If you would prefer to stream the agent's response by chunks, you can use the stream_chat() method (or astream_chat() method to run asynchronously). This will return an AgentStreamingResponse object. If you want to directly print out the response, you can use the print_response_stream() method. If you need to yield the chunks in some other way for your application, you can obtain the generator object by accessing the chat_stream member.

Additional Information

Agent Information The Agent class defines a few helpful methods to help you understand the internals of your application.

  1. The report() method prints out the agent object's type (REACT, OPENAI, or LLMCOMPILER), the tools, and the LLMs used for the main agent and tool calling.
  2. The token_counts() method tells you how many tokens you have used in the current session for both the main agent and tool calling LLMs. This can be helpful for users who want to track how many tokens have been used, which translates to how much money they are spending.

If you have any other information that you would like to be accessible to users, feel free to make a suggestion on our community server.

Observability You can also setup full observability for your vectara-agentic assistant or agent using Arize Phoenix. This allows you to view LLM prompt inputs and outputs, the latency of each task and subtask, and many of the individual function calls performed by the LLM, as well as FCS scores for each response.

To set up observability for your app, follow these steps:

  1. Set os["VECTARA_AGENTIC_OBSERVER_TYPE"] = "ARIZE_PHOENIX" or specify observer = "ARIZE_PHOENIX" in your AgentConfig.
  2. Connect to a local phoenix server:
    1. If you have a local phoenix server that you've run using e.g. python -m phoenix.server.main serve, vectara-agentic will send all traces to it automatically.
    2. If not, vectara-agentic will run a local instance during the agent's lifecycle, and will close it when finished.
    3. In both cases, traces will be sent to the local instance, and you can see the dashboard at http://localhost:6006.
  3. Alternatively, you can connect to a Phoenix instance hosted on Arize.
    1. Go to, and set up an account if you don't have one.
    2. Create an API key and put it in the PHOENIX_API_KEY variable. This variable indicates you want to use the hosted version.
    3. To view the traces go to

In addition to the raw traces, vectara-agentic also records FCS values into Arize for every Vectara RAG call. You can see those results in the Feedback column of the arize UI.

Query Callback You can define a callback function to log query/response pairs in your agent. This function should be specified in the query_logging_callback argument when you create your agent and should take in two string arguments. The first argument passed to this function will be the user query and the second will be the agent's response.

If defined, this function is called every time the agent receives a query and generates a response.

Using a Private LLM

vectara-agentic offers a wide variety of LLM options from several providers to use for the main agent and for tool calling. However, in some instances, you may be interested in using your own LLM hosted locally at your company.

If you would like the main agent LLM to be a custom LLM, specify VECTARA_AGENTIC_MAIN_LLM_PROVIDER="PRIVATE" in your environment or main_llm_provider="PRIVATE" in your AgentConfig object and VECTARA_AGENTIC_MAIN_MODEL_NAME (or main_llm_model_name in AgentConfig) as the model name of your LLM.

If you would like the tool calling LLM to be a custom LLM, specify VECTARA_AGENTIC_TOOL_LLM_PROVIDER="PRIVATE" in your environment or tool_llm_provider="PRIVATE" in your AgentConfig object and VECTARA_AGENTIC_TOOL_MODEL_NAME (or tool_llm_model_name in AgentConfig) as the model name of your LLM.

Additionally, you should specify VECTARA_AGENTIC_PRIVATE_LLM_API_BASE in your environment (or private_llm_api_base in the AgentConfig) as the API endpoint url for your private LLM and VECTARA_AGENTIC_PRIVATE_API_KEY (or private_llm_api_key) as the API key to your LLM.